- Enterprise JavaBeans -- remote specification
- Enterprise Java Bean -- remote component
EJB Container | runtime environment for managing enterprise beans |
instantiates and controls the enterprise beans providing system-level services |
System-level services:
- transaction management for the bean
- security for the bean
- persistence of the bean
- remote access to the bean
- database connection pooling
- instance pooling for the bean
Session Beans
| invoked synchronously by an enterprise bean client |
Entity Beans | invoked synchronously by an enterprise bean client |
Message-driven Beans (MDBs) | invoked by a message container e.g. publish/subscribe topic |
★ Session Beans
performs business logic for the client
represents a single client and not shared across clients
not persisted across multiple sessions
■ Stateful Session Bean
⇒ maintains a conversational state with one client for the duration of a single session
⇒ maintain instance variables across multiple invocations from one client during a single session
⇒ life ends when EJB container removes the enterprise bean
■ Stateless Session Bean
⇒ all data is transient between invocations for each client
⇒ each invocation is a request to a brand new object instance
★ Entity Beans
- share the same qualities found in relational databases
- intended to represent the business logic for an entity existing in persistent storage
- responsible for inserting, updating, selecting, removing data within the data source
⇒ persistent
⇒ allow shared access (container handles concurrency)
⇒ have primary keys
⇒ may participate in relationships
⇒ can participate in transactions
- process of writing information to an external data source
▲ Bean Managed Persistence (BMP)
⇒ all access to data source is determined by programmer
▲ Container Managed Persistence (CMP)
⇒ programmer is freed from writing data-access code
⇒ entity bean can be deployed in different containers and/or against different data sources

★ Message Driven Beans
- allows enterprise applications to handle messages asynchronously

EJB can help solve
- Scalability (deployable across many different hardware platforms transparently)
- Transaction Support
- Client-location Transparency (architecture is designed to hide the location of the EJB from the client program)
- Data Source Portability (data source access can be handled by container)
- Reusability (business logic can be written once and reused easily as needed)
- Asynchronous Messaging (for applications requiring asynchronous communication)
Steps in EJB Deployment
Write classes and interfaces for enterprise bean
- an interface that extends javax.ejb.EJBObject (component interface)
- an interface that extends javax.ejb.EJBHome (home interface)
- a class that implements either javax.ejb.SessionBean or javax.ejb.EntityBean (enterprise bean class)
Write deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml)
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Package enterprise bean and associated files into a jar file
Deploy the bean